Selected: Lighthouse Marine Park Campsites
Select your desired arrival and departure dates to check availability for all campsites at Lighthouse Marine Park
including the Zip/Postal Code where you reside.
Friday and Saturday nights must be reserved together.
Reservations must be made at least 2 days in advance. Within 2 days of arrival, unreserved campsites are available to walk-in guests as first-come, first-served.
Click to check for open sites within 2 days.
As of
1/23/25, 3:04 AM
the following number of campsites may be available for walk-in campers.
Lighthouse RV & Tent Campsites |
Jan 23
0 Sites
Jan 24
0 Sites
Lighthouse Hiker / Biker Campsites |
Jan 23
0 Sites
Jan 24
0 Sites
Availabilty may not reflect walk-in guests already at the park. If there are only a few sites left, you can contact the park at (360) 945-4911 to check, but any remaining sites are strictly first-come, first served.
Whatcom County Resident Rate Policy
The residential postal code entered indicates that you are a Whatcom County Resident – that you live in or own a piece of property in Whatcom County, Washington.
When you arrive at Lighthouse Marine Park, please be prepared to present your Washington Driver's License or Property Tax statement to park staff to verify that you are a Whatcom County Resident.